Mocha dress, Ready to wear spring-summer 2020 CELESTIA collection, adding charm to this collection this tulle handmade gown has Swarvski pieces all over the bodice along to the floor length skirt.
We are pleased to announce the availability of shipping service within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for our valued customers, through the global shipping company Aramex. According to our estimates, the shipment is expected to arrive within 5 to 7 business days. Once the shipping process is complete, your shipment's tracking number will be provided, which you can use to track its status by visiting Aramex's website.
As for shipping to other countries around the world, we also offer shipping service through Aramex. In this case, the shipment is expected to arrive within 7 to 14 business days. Your shipment's tracking number will be provided, allowing you to track its status by visiting Aramex's website.
We attach great importance to providing fast and reliable shipping service to our customers worldwide. If you have any inquiries or questions regarding the shipping process or tracking your shipment, please feel free to contact us. We are delighted to assist you and answer your queries.
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الفستان يجنن يموت منجد مرا حلو والمقاس مزبوطط ???? مو اخر مرا حطلب ان شاء الله
يجنن مرا مرا حلو بس صغرو المقاسات شويا لنحاف طلع عليا مرا واسع وانا ماخده اكس سمول